Sažetak | Nogomet i rukomet kao popularni timski sportovi zahtijevaju velike tjelesne napore sportaša koji često dovode do raznih sportskih ozljeda. Sve veći zahtjevi, ciljevi i teži trenažni procesi dovode u rizik sportaše, ali i rekreativce koji se redovito bave nekom vrst aktivnosti za razne upale, rupture, istegnuća te uganuća. Najčešće ozljede koje se javljaju u sportovima kao što su rukomet i nogomet su ozljede donjih ekstremiteta poput: ozljede koljena, mišića stražnje strane natkoljenice, ozljede gležnja i tetiva. Uz razne ozljede koje su u sve većem porastu, jedna od njih je i ozljeda Ahilove tetive. Kao najjača i najdeblja tetiva u ljudskom tijelu podložna je raznim upalama, parcijalnim i potpunim rupturama koje uzrokuje nakupljeni stres na tetivu. Jaka bol, oteklina i osjećaj ukočenosti simptomi su koje osjeća ozlijeđena osoba u slučaju puknuća tetive. Nakon dijagnosticiranja ozljede i odluke o postupku liječenja slijedi rehabilitacija koja za svakog sportaša traje individualno. Svaka faza rehabilitacije ima svoje kriterijske uvjete za prijelaz u sljedeću fazu, a nakon same rehabilitacije i povratka sportaša na teren potrebno je provoditi vježbe koje su se koristile i u rehabilitaciji kako se ozljeda ne bi ponovila. Kako bi se smanjila mogućnost nastanka ozljede treneri trebaju omogućiti sportašima adekvatan plan i program prevencije s vježbama koje se fokusiraju na rizične skupine mišića i zglobova. Kvalitetan program prevencije se sastoji od zagrijavanja, propriocepcije, pliometrije, stabilnosti i mobilnosti koje se provode u uvodnim dijelovima treninga u trajanju od ovisnosti trenutne potrebe sportaša. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Football and handball, as popular team sports, require great physical efforts from the athletes, which often lead to various sports injuries. Increasing demands, goals and more difficult training processes put athletes at risk, as well as recreationists who regularly engage in some kind of activity for various inflammations, ruptures, strains and sprains. The most common injuries that occur in sports such as handball and football are injuries to the lower extremities such as: knee injuries, hamstring muscle injuries, ankle and tendon injuries. In addition to various injuries that are on the rise, one of them is the Achilles tendon injury. As the strongest and thickest tendon in the human body, it is subject to various inflammations, partial and complete ruptures that cause accumulated stress on the tendon. Severe pain, swelling and a feeling of stiffness are the symptoms experienced by an injured person in the event of a tendon rupture. After diagnosing the injuries and deciding on the treatment procedure, rehabilitation takes place individually for each athlete. Each phase of rehabilitation has its criteria for transition to the next phase, and after the same rehabilitation and the athlete's return to the field, it is necessary to carry out exercises that were also used in rehabilitation so that the injury does not recur. In order to reduce the possibility of injuries, coaches should provide athletes with an adequate prevention plan and program with exercises that focus on at-risk groups of muscles and joints. A quality prevention program consists of warm-up, proprioception, plyometrics, stability and mobility, which is carried out in the introductory parts of the training, depending on the current needs of the athlete. |