Sažetak | Istraživanje je provedeno s ciljem utvrđivanja razlika između različite kvalitete i težinskih
skupina karatista/ica u morfološkim karakteristikama, bazično i specifično motoričkim
sposobnostima i tehničkoj uspješnosti u odnosu na borbenu uspješnost.
Uzorak ispitanika za ovo istraživanje sačinjava skup od 206 najboljih karatista/ica
kadeta/kinja u Republici Hrvatskoj dobi 14 do 16 godina, natjecatelja u kumiteu. Nadalje
uzorak se dijelio na 105 karatista i 101 karatisticu, te prema njihovoj natjecateljskoj
kvaliteti na kvalitetne i manje kvalitetne karatiste/ice obzirom na niže i više težinske
kategorije. Kod karatista njih 57 pripadalo je nižim težinskim skupinama, a 48 višim
težinskim skupinama, dok kod karatistica njih 55 pripadalo je nižim težinskim
kategorijama, a 46 ih je pripadalo višim težinskim kategorijama.
Za potrebe ovog istraživanja primjenjeno je 10 morfoloških mjera za izračun
konstitucijskih tipova, 15 motoričkih testova (10 testova bazične i 5 testova specifične
motorike), 6 tehnika (3 pojedinačne i 3 kombinirane) prema kojima je izvršena procjena
tehničke efikasnosti i procjena borbene uspješnosti putem njihovih plasmana.
Temeljem koeficijenata diskriminacije i diskriminativnih funkcija za pojedini antropološki
prostor (morfološki, bazični i specifični motorički prostor, te kvaliteti izvedbe tehnika)
može se zaključiti da svi primarni faktori motorike diferenciraju karatiste veće kvalitete od
karatista manje kvalitete. Kod muškog spola dominantno utječe tehnička efikasnost
(tehničko znanje) i motorička efikasnost (motorički faktor), a manje faktori specifične
efikasnosti (faktor specifične agilnosti i faktor specifične sposobnosti u brzini realizacije
tehnike). Diskriminativna funkcija pokazuje kako su karatisti veće kvalitete više
ektomezomorfni i sa znatno manje masnog tkiva.
Na uspjeh u borbi, to jest na borbenu efikasnost, najviše i dominantno utječe znanje i/ili
usvojenost tehnike (tehnička efikasnost) koje je znatno saturirano sa bazičnim i specifičnim
motoričkim sposobnostima. Dakle optimalni suodnos kvalitete izvedbe karate tehnika, te
razine bazičnih i specifičnih motoričkih sposobnosti u najvećoj mjeri determinira borbenu
efikasnost mladih karatista.
Također, temeljem koeficijenata diskriminacije i diskriminativnih funkcija za pojedini
antropološki prostor (morfološki, bazični i specifični motorički prostor, te kvaliteti izvedbe
tehnika) može se zaključiti da svaki od analiziranih prostora izuzev morfološkog u
podjednakoj mjeri doprinosi borbenoj efikasnosti mladih karatistica. Na uspjeh u borbi to
jest na borbenu efikasnost najviše i dominantno utječe integracija bazičnih i specifičnih
motoričkih sposobnosti i kvaliteta izvedbe karate tehnike (tehnička efikasnost). Dakle
optimalni suodnos razine bazičnih i specifičnih motoričkih sposobnosti i kvalitete izvedbe,
to jest usvojenost karate tehnike u najvećoj mjeri determinira borbenu efikasnost mladih
karatistica. Očigledno razvojni procesi sami po sebi i trenažni procesi posebno dovode do
formiranja optimalnog antropološkog sklopa vrhunskih-kvalitetnih karatistica.
Diskriminativne funkcije po prostorima ukazuju na faze u formiranju kvalitete u muškom i
ženskom karateu, to jest razvoj subsegmenata antropološkog sklopa u predikciji borbene
efikasnosti karatista kadetskog uzrasta. Dakle interakcijski i/ili dvosmjerni utjecaji razvoja
biomotoričkih faktora na razvoj specifičnih sposobnosti i znanja.
Temeljem dobivenih informacija ostaje stručnjacima – trenerima da izrade modele
trenažnih postupaka i procesa usmjerenih u formiranju kvalitetnih karatista. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The research was conducted with the aim of determining the differences in morphological
characteristics, basic and specific motor abilities and karate techniques in relation to the
fighting efficiency.
The sample of examinees in this research consisted of 206 Croatian elite cadet karate
athletes, aged 14 to 16 years, kumite contestants. Further on, the sample was divided into
105 male and 101 female karate athletes, and according to their competitive quality, into
karate athletes of higher or lower quality, regarding the lower and higher weight
categories. In the male sample 57 athletes was in the lower weight groups, while 48
athletes was in higher weight groups. In the female sample, 55 athletes were in the lower
weight categories, while 46 athletes were in the higher weight categories.
Ten morphological measures for calculation of constitutional types was applied in this
research, as well as 15 motor tests (10 tests of basic and 5 tests of specific motor skills), 6
techniques (3 individual and 3 combined), used in the technical efficiency and fight
efficiency evaluation, according to their placement.
Based on the discrimination coefficients and discriminative functions for the certain
anthropological area (morphological, basic and specific motor area, and the technique
performance quality) a conclusion can be made that all the primary motor factors
differentiate higher quality karate athletes from those of lower quality. In male gender the
influence of technical efficiency was dominant (technical knowledge) and motor efficiency
(motor factor), while factors of specific efficiency (specific agility factor and specific ability
factor in the technique realization speed) had less influence. The discriminative function
showed that the karate athletes of higher quality were more often ectomesomorph with
considerably less fat tissue.
Fight success, that is, fight efficiency, was mostly and dominantly influenced by knowledge
and/or technique adoption (technique efficiency), which was significantly saturated with
basic and specific motor abilities. Therefore, the optimum correlation of karate technique
performance quality, and the level of basic and specific motor abilities greatly determined
the fight efficiency in young karate athletes.
Also, based on the discrimination coefficient and discriminative functions for individual
anthropological areas (morphological, basic and specific motor area, and technique
performance quality) a conclusion can be made that every analyzed area, except for the
morphological, equally contributed to the fight efficiency of young female karate athletes.
Fight success, that is, fight efficiency, was mostly and dominantly influenced by the
integration of basic and specific motor abilities and karate technique performance quality
(technical efficiency). Therefore, the optimum correlation of the level of basic and specific
motor abilities and performance quality, that is, karate technique adoption, greatly
determined the fight efficiency of young female karate athletes. Obviously, the development
processes by themselves and training processes separately lead towards forming the
optimum anthropological set of elite-high quality female karate athletes.
The discriminative functions of the areas showed the phases of forming the quality in male
and female karate athletes, that is, the development of subsegments of anthropological set
in the prediction of fight efficiency of cadet karate athletes. Therefore, the interaction
and/or two-way influences of biomotor factors development on the development of specific
abilities and knowledge.
Based on the obtained information the experts – coaches should develop the models of
training processes directed towards forming high-quality karate athletes. |