Sažetak | Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi učinkovitost dvaju različitih modela (metoda demonstracije i metoda učenja putem video isječaka), odnosno dvaju različitih pristupa učenju specifičnih motoričkih znanja za vrijeme nastave na Kineziološkom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu na predmetu Sportsko plivanje. Uz glavni cilj, parcijalni ciljevi bili su: utvrditi kojim modelom studenti efikasnije savladavaju specifično znanje plivanja kod četiri plivačke tehnike, pripadajućih startova i okreta; utvrditi povezanost morfoloških karakteristika sa znanjem plivanja sve četiri plivačke tehnike i pripadajućih startova i okreta te; utvrditi povezanost postignutih rezultata plivanja na 50 i 25 metara kod sve četiri tehnike sa znanjem plivanja četiri plivačke tehnike te pripadajućih startova i okreta. Istraživanje je provedeno na polaznicima nastave predmeta Sportsko plivanje pri Kineziološkom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu te je ispitano ukupno 98 studenata muškog spola, pri čemu se pazilo da nitko od ispitanika nikada nije prošao školu plivanja. Ispitanici su bili podijeljeni u dvije, veličinom podjednake grupe (N1= 43, N2=55). Uzorak varijabli činile su tri skupine varijabli, a to su: morfološke karakteristike ispitanika, motoričke sposobnosti ispitanika i varijable za procjenu uspješnosti plivanja. Eksperiment je trajao četiri mjeseca, a nastava se odvijala 3 puta tjedno po 45 minuta, dok su antropometrijska mjerenja prikupljena na početku testiranja. Jedna grupa je plivačka znanja učila uz pomoć demonstratora u vodi, dok su se za drugu grupu prikazivali video isječci pojedinih vježbi i tehnika uz verbalna objašnjenja profesora. Prije samog eksperimenta definirali su se i opisali kriteriji ocjenjivanja za svaku tehniku plivanja na Likertovoj skali ocjena. U konačnici je dobivena ocjena za svaku komponentu, odnosno element svake pojedine tehnike plivanja (start, tehnička izvedba i okret). Prije korištenja multivarijantnih statističkih metoda, za sve korištene varijable izračunati su parametri Cronbachove Alphe, međučestična korelacija te primijenjena analiza varijance za ponovljena mjerenja s ciljem identifikacije statističke značajnosti među pojedinim česticama, a pri čemu su rezultati pokazali vrlo visoku pouzdanost mjernog instrumenta. Za sve varijable izračunati su pokazatelji deskriptivne statistike. Normalitet distribucije ispitan je Kolmogorov-Smirnovljevim testom s Lilliefors korekcijom. S ciljem ispitivanja validnosti podataka primijenjena je faktorska analiza pod komponentnim modelom s Guttman-Kaiserovim kriterijem za određivanje broja ekstrahiranih parametara, pri čemu 7 su ekstrahirana tri faktora. S ciljem identifikacije razlika u primijenjenim modelima učenja u svim promatranim tehnikama koristila se dvofaktorska (2×3) analiza varijance, a u slučaju značajnog glavnog efekta primijenjena je Bonferronijeva post hoc korekcija. Kod izvedbe tehnike plivanja nije identificirana statistički značajna razlika između grupa, dok su očekivano pronađene statistički značajne razlike između komponenti tehnike (start, tehnička izvedba i okret). Za potrebe utvrđivanja značajne povezanosti između morfoloških karakteristika i usvajanja specifičnih motoričkih plivačkih znanja, kao i za potrebe utvrđivanja značajne povezanosti između vremena plivanja na 25 i 50 metara i usvajanja specifičnih plivačkih motoričkih znanja, koristila se kanonička korelacijska analiza. Rezultati su pokazali kako ne postoji statistički značajna povezanost između morfoloških karakteristika i usvajanja specifičnih motoričkih plivačkih znanja, dok je utvrđena statistički značajna povezanost između motoričkih sposobnosti i usvajanja specifičnih motoričkih plivačkih znanja. Konačno, možemo zaključiti kako je implementacija suvremenih multimedijskih sadržaja u obrazovni proces poželjna metoda poučavanja, usmjerena i na teorijska i na praktična plivačka znanja, a s obzirom da su mlade generacije dominantni nositelji razvoja tehnologije, uvođenje multimedijskih alata u obrazovni proces trebalo bi rezultirati pozitivnim feedbackom. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The aim of the research was to determine the effectiveness of two different models (the demonstration method and the method of learning through video clips), that is, two different approaches to learning specific motor skills during classes at the Faculty of Kinesiology in the Swimming subject. In addition to the main goal, the partial goals were: to determine which is best model for students to master more efficiently a specific swimming skill in four swimming techniques, associated starts and turns; to determine the connection of morphological characteristics with swimming skill of all four swimming techniques and associated starts and turns, and; determine the connection between the achieved swimming results at 50 and 25 meters in all four techniques with the skill of swimming in the four swimming techniques and associated starts and turns. The research was conducted on the participants of the Swimming classes at the Faculty of Kinesiology at the University of Zagreb, and a total of 98 male students were examined, making sure that none of the respondents had ever attended swimming school. The respondents were divided into two groups of equal size (N1= 43, N2=55). The sample of variables consisted of three groups of variables, which were: morphological characteristics of the subjects, motor skills of the subjects and variables for evaluating swimming performance. The experiment lasted four months, and classes were held 3 times a week for 45 minutes, while anthropometric measurements were collected before the start of the research. One group learned swimming skills with the help of demonstrators in the water, while for the other group, video clips of individual exercises and techniques were shown with verbal explanations by the professor. Before the experiment started, evaluation criteria were defined and described for each swimming technique on a Likert rating scale. At the end, a score was obtained for each component, that is, the element of each technique (start, technical performance and turn). Before using multivariate statistical methods, Cronbach Alpha parameters, interparticle correlation and applied analysis of variance for repeated measurements were calculated for all variables used with the aim of identifying statistical significance among individual particles. The results showed very high reliability of the measuring instrument. Descriptive statistics indicators were calculated for all variables. The normality of the distribution was tested with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with Lilliefors correction. To examine the validity of the data, a factor analysis was applied 9 under the component model with the Guttman-Kaiser criterion for determining the number of extracted parameters, whereby three factors were extracted. To identify differences in the applied learning models in all observed techniques, a two-factor (2×3) analysis of variance was used, and in the case of a significant main effect, Bonferroni's post hoc correction was applied. In swimming technique, no statistically significant difference was identified between the groups, while, as expected, statistically significant differences were found between the technique components (start, technical performance and turn). Canonical correlation analysis was used to establish a significant relationship between morphological characteristics and the acquisition of specific swimming motor skills, as well as to determine a significant relationship between swimming time at 25 and 50 meters and the acquisition of specific swimming motor skills. The results showed that there is no connection between morphological characteristics and learning of specific motor swimming skills, while a statistically significant connection was established between motor abilities and learning of specific motor swimming skills. Finally, we can conclude that the implementation of modern multimedia content in the educational process is a desirable teaching method, focused on both theoretical and practical swimming skill and considering that young generations are dominant carriers of technology development, the introduction of multimedia tools in the educational process should result in positive feedback. |