Sažetak | Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti utjecaj igre bez gledatelja na situacijsku učinkovitost profesionalnih nogometaša na uzorku utakmica engleske Premiership lige. Uzorak se sačinjava od izvedbi 20 momčadi engleske Premiership lige u posljednjih 18 kola (180 utakmica) u sezoni 2019./2020. Za potrebe ovog rada korišteno je 30 varijabli preuzetih sa SofaScore aplikacije. Deskriptivnom statistikom utvrđene su varijable kod kojih se javlja značajna razlika u uvjetima s publikom i bez nje, dok je binomnom logističkom regresijskom analizom, u računalnom programu IBM SPSS Statistics 20, utvrđeno koje varijable značajno utječu na konačan rezultat u spomenutim uvjetima. Rezultati su pokazali da prisutnost publike utječe na sljedeće varijable: žuti kartoni, velike prilike, točna dodavanja (%), duge lopte, duge lopte (%), driblinzi, osvojeni dueli, izgubljeni posjedi, presijecanja i otklonjene opasnosti. Također, utvrđeno je da su varijable koje značajno utječu na rezultat u uvjetima s publikom sljedeće: udarci, udarci u okvir, žuti kartoni, velike prilike, obrane i dodavanja. U uvjetima bez publike, varijable koje značajno pridonose rezultatu su: udarci, udarci u okvir, velike prilike, obrane, točna dodavanja, točna dodavanja (%), duge lopte, duge lopte (%), centaršutevi (%), driblinzi i izgubljeni posjedi. Uvidom u rezultate može se zaključiti da su igrači u uvjetima s publikom agresivniji nego u uvjetima bez nje. Također se može zaključiti da bolje tehničko-taktičko znanje nogometaša više utječe na rezultat u uvjetima bez publike te da tehničko-taktičke sposobnosti nogometaša značajno opadaju u prisustvu publike. Ovo istraživanje pokazuje mjeru do koje rezultat ovisi o sposobnosti nogometaša, a i cijele momčadi, da se uspješno nosi s pritiskom i stresom koji izaziva publika. Ovaj rad također može pomoći trenerima i nogometnim stručnjacima u boljem planiranju i programiranju treninga te strategije koja će se koristiti tijekom utakmice. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The aim of this paper is to analyse the way in which the absence of spectators during a game impacts the situational efficiency of professional football players by using a sample of English Premier League matches. The sample consists of performances carried out by 20 English Premier League teams in the last 18 rounds (180 games) during the 2019/2020 season. For the purposes of this research, 30 variables were sampled from the SofaScore app. Variables which differ considerably based on whether the spectators are present or absent were determined using descriptive statistics, while the variables which significantly impact the score under the aforementioned conditions were determined using binomial logistic regression in a computer software IBM SPSS Statistics 20. Results show that the presence of spectators impacts the following variables: yellow cards, big chances, accurate passes (%), long balls, long balls (%), dribbles, total duels won, possession lost, interceptions, and clearances. Additionally, it has been determined that the following variables significantly impact the score when spectators are present: total shots, shots on target, yellow cards, big chances, goalkeeper saves, and passes. When spectators are absent, variables which impact the score are shots, shots on target, big chances, goalkeeper saves, accurate passes, accurate passes (%), long balls, long balls (%), crosses (%), dribbles and possession lost. Looking at the results, it can be concluded that players are more aggressive when spectators are present, as opposed to when they are absent. It can also be concluded that the players’ technical-tactical knowledge has a greater influence on the score when spectators are absent and that the players’ technical-tactical abilities decrease significantly when spectators are present. This research shows the extent to which the score depends on the ability of the player, and the entire team, to successfully deal with the pressure and stress caused by spectators. This paper can also help coaches and football experts to effectively plan and create training sessions, as well as strategies used during the match. |