Sažetak | Dominantnost ruke može se promatrati kroz taktički aspekt geometrije rukometne utakmice. Stoga, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati asimetriju između brzine šuta i udaljenosti kod ljevaka i dešnjaka rukometaša. Također, utvrditi postojanost razlika između postignutih i promašenih šuteva. Analizirani su podaci rukometnih igrača, sudionika EHF Europskog prvenstva 2024., održanog u Njemačkoj. Analiza je uključivala 238 igrača, podijeljenih u dvije skupine (ljevoruki (N=112) i desnoruki igrači (N=126)). Prikupljeno je i analizirano 5710 šuteva igrača. Rezultati su pokazali da ljevoruki igrači imaju veći postotak postizanja pogotka (63,08%) naspram dešnjaka (57,86%). Dešnjaci su pucali većom brzinom (101,38±18,00 km/h) u odnosu na ljevake (99,36±18,89 km/h). Slična razlika uočena je i u daljini šuta (7,61±2,23 m; odnosno 7,42±2,59 m). Nadalje, udaljenost šutiranja razlikuje se između postignutih i promašenih pogodaka (dešnjaci (p <0,00); ljevaci p<0,00). Navedeni rezultati upućuju na postojanje asimetrije kod ljevaka i dešnjaka u oba parametra. Također, veća učinkovitost desne strane rukometnog tima može dovesti do asimetrije u geometriji rukometne utakmice. Zaključno, podaci sugeriraju značajne razlike uz nisku primjenjivost rezultata. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Handedness dominance could be observed in the tactical aspect of a handball match geometry. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the asymmetry between shooting velocity and distance in left- and right-handed handball players. Also, to see if there is a difference between scored and missed shots. Data was obtained from players participating in the EHF European Championship 2024, held in Germany. Additionally, 238 players were analysed during the whole championship. They were divided into two groups (left (N=112) and right-handed players (N=126)). 5710 shots from players were collected and analysed. The results show that left-handed players have a higher score percentage (63.08%) than right-handed players (57.86%). Right-handed players shot at higher velocity (101.38±18.00 km/h) than left-handed players (99.36±18.89 km/h). A similar difference is observed in the distance of the shot (7.61±2.23 m; and 7.42±2.59 m, respectively). The distance of the shot differs between scored and missed shots (right-handed (p<0.00); left-handed p <0.00). Such findings suggest that asymmetry in left- and right-handed players is present, in both parameters. Also, the higher efficiency of the right side of the handball team can lead to asymmetry in the geometry of the handball match. Finally, data suggest significance, low applicability is observed. |