Sažetak | Neravnopravnost u sportu je zanimljiva tema o kojoj se u današnje vrijeme jako puno
raspravlja. Status žena u sportu je poprilično zanemaren, jer zaista postoje sportovi koji se
smatraju isključivo „muškim sportovima“. Možda najupečatljiviji primjer je nogomet, gdje
žene nemaju ni približno sličan status kao muškarci. Cilj ovog rada je analizirati razlike
između muškog i ženskog nogometa u sljedećim varijablama: morfologija, aerobni i
anaerobni kapaciteti, mediji i marketing, financije i senzibilitet. Razmatrajući literaturu,
vidljivo je kako u ženskom nogometu ne možemo postaviti antropometrijski model prema
pozicijama u igri, što je slučaj kod muškog nogometa, gdje su jasno vidljive razlike u
morfologiji ovisno o poziciji unutar momčadi. Nadalje, vezano uz funkcionalne sposobnosti,
kod muškaraca uspjeh u nogometu predefiniran je anaerobnim kapacitetima, dok kod žena
dominira aerobna izdržljivost. Sama popularnost, te financije unutar istog sporta, a ovisno o
spolu možda najbolje govori o tome kako se zapravo radi o različitom sportu. Ulaganja u
muški nogomet su preko 100 puta veća nego li je to slučaj sa ženskim nogometom, a isto tako
medijska popraćenost ženskog nogometa je znatno slabija. Istraživanja ukazuju kako žene
znatno emotivnije prihvaćaju uspjeh odnosno neuspjeh u nogometu, u odnosu na muškarce u
nogometu. Na samom kraju analizirana je literatura vezana uz predrasude o homoseksualnosti
s kojima se susreću žene u nogometu. Nalazi ukazuju kako zaista postoji predrasuda o
homoseksualnosti žena u nogometu, bez obzira što postoje istraživanja koja ukazuju da je
homoseksualnost pojava koja zaista postoji u ženskom nogometu, ali ništa više nego u drugim
sportovima. U svakom slučaju, potrebno je senzibilizirati javnost o ženama u nogometu, a isto
tako poticati djevojčice da se uključuju u nogometni trenažni proces promocijom pozitivnih
aspekata nogometne igre. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Inequality in sports is an interesting topic which is often discussed. The status of women in
sports is quite neglected, because there really are some sports which are considered as
exclusively „male sports “. Football is perhaps the most prominent example, where women
are barely appreciated compared to men and their status. The goal of this paper is to analyze
the differences between women's and men's football considering the following variables:
morphology, aerobic and anaerobic capacity, media and marketing, finance and sensibility.
Examining the literature, one can see that it is not possible to set an anthropometric model
based on the game position in women’s football. On the contrary, this model is possible in
men's football where the differences in morphology in regard to the playing position are
clearly visible. Furthermore, regarding the functional abilities, anaerobic capacity is the
variable which predetermines the success for male players. For female players, the aerobic
capacity is prevailing and makes the difference. Perhaps the best indicator proving that this is
a situation with two completely different sports depending on the gender might be the
popularity and the finances. Investments in men's football are 100 times bigger than it is the
case in women's football. Moreover, women's football gets significantly weaker media
coverage. Studies show that women take the success and failure in football with considerably
more emotion, compared to men. At the end there is an analysis of the literature regarding the
prejudice about homosexuality which a lot of women footballers are faced with. The findings
show that there really is a prejudice about this which assumes that women footballer are
homosexual, despite the fact that there are studies which show that homosexuality occurs in
women's football, but not more often than in other sports. In any case, it is much needed to
sensitize the general public about women in football, and also to encourage girls to join the
football training process by promoting the positive aspects of the sport. |