Abstract | Boks je polistrukturalan acikličan sport te vrlo kompleksna aktivnost koja zahtjeva
svestranost, maksimalno vladanje tehnikama udaraca, kretanja i stavova. Kod boksača je
nužna visoka razina tehničko – taktičkih sposobnosti i fizičko – psihičke pripremljenosti.
Prevladavaju eksplozivne i dinamične kretnje, stoga je potrebna i visoka razina koordinacije.
Zahtjevi i aktivnosti unutar runde visokog su intenziteta, zbog čega dominiraju glikolitički
energetski procesi. Obzirom na trajanje borbe potrebna je i razvijenost aerobnih sposobnosti
zbog oporavka između rundi, odnosno odgode umora. U boksu prepoznajemo tri glave vrste
udaraca, a to su: direkt, aperkat i kroše, a idealan udarac sastoji se od dobre koordinacije i
sinkronizacije cijelog tijela, od nogu, preko trupa, pa naposljetku do udaračke ruke. Kako bi
udarcem generirali što veću silu, a još važnije kako bi tu silu prenijeli u što kraćem vremenu,
potreban je trening s otporom, odnosno trening snage i jakosti. Snaga predstavlja savladavanje
sile u što kraćem vremenu, a jakost maksimalnu silu koju sportaš može proizvesti. Kod
specifične kondicijske pripreme boksača potrebno je obratiti pozornost na vježbe koje
uključuju cijeli lokomotorni sustav. Za potpuno iskorištavanje adaptacijskog potencijala
mišićnog i živčanog sustava i optimalan razvoj snage i jakosti kod boksača potrebno je
koristiti različite oblike, tj. metode treninga jakosti i snage. |
Abstract (english) | Boxing is a polystructural acyclic sport and a very complex activity that requires
versatility, maximum mastery of punching techniques, movement and stances. A high level of
technical – tactical abilities and physical – psychological preparation is necessary for boxers.
Explosive and dynamic movements prevail, which is why a high level of coordination is
required. The demands and activities within each round are of high intensity, therefore
glycolytic energy processes dominate. Considering the duration of the fight, the development
of aerobic abilities is also necessary, due to recovery between rounds or delaying fatigue. In
boxing, we recognize three main types of punches: jab/cross, uppercut and hook, and an ideal
punch consists of good coordination and synchronization of the whole body, from the legs,
through the torso, and finally to the punching hand. In order to generate as much force as
possible with a punch, and even more importantly to transmit that force in the shortest
possible time, training with resistance, in other words power and strength training, is
necessary. Power represents overcoming force in the shortest possible time, and strength
represents the maximum force that an athlete can produce. With the specific preparation of
boxers, it is necessary to pay attention to exercises that include the entire locomotor system.
In order to fully utilize the adaptational potential of the muscular and nervous system and to
optimally develop power and strength in boxers, it is necessary to use different power and
strength training methods. |