Abstract | S ciljem formiranja ekspertnog modela i hijerarhijske klasifikacije skijaških likova, operatora za
njihovu poduku, karakterističnih pogreški i vježbi za njihovo otklanjanje, provedeno je
istraživanje na ukupnom uzorku od 307 skijaških stručnjaka, predstavnika ZUTS-a Slovenije,
HZUTS-a Hrvatske i ATUS-a Bosne i Hercegovine, različite demonstratorske i učiteljske
izobrazbe. Obzirom na metodologiju istraživanja, a u svrhu realizacije parcijalnih ciljeva
istraživanja, uzorak ispitanika je višekratno selektiran prema postavljenim fazama istraživanja.
Tako su u svrhu formiranja ekspertnog modela najvažnijih likova osnovne i napredne škole
skijanja i testiranja razlike među ekspertima obzirom na državljanstvo, u istraživanje uključena
24 državna demonstratora. Činilo ih je 9 hrvatskih, 8 slovenskih i 7 bosansko-hercegovačkih
eksperta vrhunskog skijaškog obrazovanja. Nakon višekratne ekstrakcije hrvatskih, slovenskih i
bosansko-hercegovačkih tehnika alpskog skijanja eksperti su obzirom na logičan metodski slijed
formirali ekspertni model usvajanja najvažnijih likova osnovne i napredne škole skijanja. U tu
svrhu korištena je ukupna suma zbroja frekvencija ekspertnog odabira najvažnijih likova (OP i
OČ frekvencije), dok je prirodnim slijedom izvršeno rangiranje najvažnijih likova osnovne i
napredne škole skijanja. Razlika između frekvencije ekspertnog izbora 4 najvažnija skijaška lika
za kategoriju osnovne i 4 za kategoriju napredne škole skijanja te njihova međusobna razlika
obzirom na državljanstvo, testirana je pomoću Hi – kvadrat testa () i statističke značajnosti
razlika (p). Unatoč tome što se predloženi model usvajanja skijaških likova strukturalno
razlikuje od dosadašnjih modela, koji nisu znanstveno utemeljeni, a obuhvaćaju specifične
likove hrvatske, slovenske i bosansko-hercegovačke škole skijanja, razlika u ekspertnom
vrednovanju najvažnijih likova osnovne i napredne škole skijanja, obzirom na državljanstvo,
nije utvrđena.
U daljnjim metodskim postavkama, odnosno formiranju ekspertnog modela usvajanja
najvažnijih operatora za poduku najvažnijih likova osnovne i napredne škole skijanja, najčešćih
pogreški karakterističnih u njihovoj izvedbi i najučinkovitijih vježbi za njihovu korekciju, te
testiranja razlike među frekvencijama ekspertnog odabira sudjelovalo je 20 skijaških eksperata
koji su bili dio prethodno spomenutog uzorka ispitanika. U tu svrhu korištena je ukupna suma
zbroja frekvencije ekspertnog odabira najvažnijih operatora, najčešćih pogreški i
najučinkovitijih vježbi za njihovu korekciju (OP - opažene; OČ - očekivane), dok se razlika
među frekvencijama ekspertnog vrednovanja ispitala pomoću neparametrijskog Hi - kvadrat
testa () i statističke značajnosti razlika (p). Zbog iznimno opsežnog posla koje je zahtijevalo
dosta angažmana oko preciziranja i odabira najučinkovitijih operatora za poduku najvažnijih
likova osnovne i napredne škole skijanja, najčešćih pogreški karakterističnih u njihovoj izvedbi i
najučinkovitijih vježbi za njihovu korekciju, četvero eksperata nije u potpunosti sudjelovalo u
svim segmentima metodskih postavki, pa su njihovi rezultati isključeni iz obrade podataka. Na
temelju dobivenih rezultata ekspertnog vrednovanja pojedinih skijaških likova, eksperti su
formirali specifične modele operatora za njihovu obuku. Za dva najvažnija lika, koji su unutar
kategorije osnovne i napredne škole skijanja imali najveću vrijednost u procesu poduke,
formiran je ekspertni model od šest najučinkovitijih operatora za njihovu obuku, dok je za
preostale likove osnovne i napredne škole skijanja formiran ekspertni model od pet
najučinkovitijih operatora. U svrhu formiranja ekspertnog modela karakterističnih pogreški u
izvedbi najvažnijih likova osnovne i napredne škole skijanja, eksperti su najprije definirali, a
potom odabrali po tri oblika najčešćih pogreški aktualnih u izvedbama najvažnijih skijaških
likova osnovne i napredne škole skijanja. Temeljem dobivenih rezultata u ispitivanju statistički
značajne razlike među frekvencijama ekspertnog vrednovanja specifičnih segmenata modela
usvajanja skijaških znanja, uočava se visoka suglasnost među ekspertima.
Nakon formiranja temeljnih postavki ekspertnog modela, usvajanja najvažnijih likova osnovne i
napredne škole skijanja, operatora za njihovu poduku, najčešćih pogreški u njihovoj izvedbi i
najučinkovitijih vježbi za njihovu korekciju, uslijedila je online priprema ankete, upload na
specijalizirane servere, te skupa s pismom namjere i zamolbom za sudjelovanje u istraživanju,
link s adresom pristupa popunjavanju ankete je upućen na mnogobrojne e-mail adrese učitelja i
demonstratora skijanja različite razine stručnosti ZUTS-a Slovenije, HZUTS-a Hrvatske i
ATUS-a Bosne i Hercegovine. Ukupni uzorak ispitanika koji su uspješno ispunili online anketu
je činilo 307 skijaških stručnjaka različite razine stupnja skijaškog obrazovanja. Nakon
ispunjavanja identifikacijskih podataka ispitanici su po važnosti rangirali prethodno definirane
temelje metodskih postavki usvajanja najvažnijih likova osnovne i napredne škole skijanja,
operatora za njihovu poduku, najčešćih pogreški u njihovoj izvedbi i najučinkovitijih vježbi za
njihovu korekciju. Broj stupnjeva skale po kojoj su ispitanici rangirali varijable uvjetovan je
prethodno definiranim ekspertnim metodskim postavkama, odnosno brojem najvažnijih likova,
operatora, najčešćih pogreški i najučinkovitijih vježbi za njihovu korekciju. U svezi s navedenim
izračunate su vrijednosti sume ranga (ΣR) najvažnijih likova osnovne i napredne škole skijanja,
operatora za njihovu poduku, najčešćih pogreški u njihovoj izvedbi i najučinkovitijih vježbi za
njihovu korekciju. Pomoću neparametrijske analogne post-hoc analize, odnosno Kruskal
Wallisovog testa (H-test), te pripadnog empirijskog nivoa signifikantnosti (p), ispitana je
statistička značajnost razlike između vrijednosti sume ranga (ΣR) najvažnijih likova osnovne i
napredne škole skijanja, operatora za njihovu poduku, najčešćih pogreški u njihovoj izvedbi i
najučinkovitijih vježbi za njihovu korekciju. One varijable koje se dobivenim sumama ranga
nisu statistički značajno razlikovale su grupirane u jednu skupinu važnosti dok su se one među
kojima se utvrdila statistički značajna razlika odvojeno klasificirale. Temeljem dobivenih
značajnosti razlika u rangiranju važnosti usvajanja likova osnovne i napredne škole skijanje,
operatora za njihovu poduku, najčešćih pogreški u njihovoj izvedbi i najučinkovitijih vježbi za
njihovu korekciju, a na osnovu vrijednosti ukupne sume ranga, uspješno je formirana
hijerarhijska klasifikacija među njima.
Nadalje, s ciljem ispitivanja statistički značajne razlike među skijaškim stručnjacima (učiteljima
i demonstratorima skijanja različite razine) u rangiranju najvažnijih likova osnovne i napredne
škole skijanja, najučinkovitijih operatora za njihovu poduku, najčešćih pogreški karakterističnih
u njihovoj izvedbi i najučinkovitijih vježbi za korekciju, sveukupni uzorak skijaških stručnjaka
koji su sudjelovali u ovome istraživanju je podijeljen u tri grupe. Prva grupu skijaških stručnjaka
čine hrvatski, slovenski i bosansko-hercegovački članovi demo tema i demonstratori skijanja, te
slovenski učitelji skijanja III. razine, koji su nazvani vrhunskim skijaškim stručnjacima. Drugu
grupu skijaških stručnjaka čine hrvatski učitelji skijanja, te slovenski i bosansko-hercegovački
učitelji skijanja II. razine, a nazvani su stručnjacima naprednog skijaškog obrazovanja. Treću
grupu skijaških stručnjaka čine hrvatski pripravnici učitelja skijanja, te slovenski i bosanskohercegovački učitelji skijanja I. razine, a nazvani su stručnjacima osnovnog skijaškog
obrazovanja. Obzirom na definirane skupine skijaških stručnjaka, pomoću neparametrijskog
analognog post-hoc Kruskal-Walisovog testa (H-test) i pripadnog empirijskog nivoa
signifikantnosti (p), ispitana je razlika među njima u dobivenim vrijednostima rezultata
aritmetičkih sredina sume ranga ekspertnog modela (AS ΣR). U pojedinim segmentima
vrednovanja ekspertnog modela usvajanja skijaških znanja su utvrđene statistički značajne
razlike među definiranim skupinama skijaških stručnjaka. Na temelju toga se može zaključiti
kako je pravu vrijednost, odnosno položaj definirane varijable u ekspertnom modelu potrebno
dodatnim istraživanjima ispitati i potkrijepiti.
Budući ne postoje radovi slične tematike, niti znanstveno utemeljene metodske postavke
usvajanja skijaških znanja, ovo istraživanje ima posebnu vrijednost. Ogleda se u postavljanju
bazičnih struktura metodskih postavki koje osiguravaju bogate i precizne smjernice za rad
skijaškim stručnjacima različitog obrazovanja. Time će se tijek procesa poduke alpskih skijaša
različitog skijaškog predznanja uvelike olakšati i ubrzati. Ovo istraživanje čini dobar temelj budućim radovima u kojima bi bilo poželjno uključiti skijaške stručnjake diljem svijeta, te
dodatno precizirati i izvršiti evaluaciju ekspertnog modela usvajanja specifičnih skijaških
znanja. |
Abstract (english) | The research has been conducted on a total sample of 307 skiing experts, representatives of SAS
Slovenia, CSSITA Croatia and SITA Bosnia and Herzegovina, who all had different
demonstrating and teaching education. The aim of the research was to form expert model and
hierarchical classification of skiing figures, operators for their training, specific mistakes and
exercises for eliminating such mistakes. Considering methodology of the research,and with the
purpose of realizing partial objectives of the research, the sample of participants was repeatedly
selected according to determined stages of the research. In order to form expert model of the
most important figures in elementary and advanced skiing school as well as to test differences
between experts based on their nationality, 24 state demonstrators have been included in the
research. There were 9 Croatian, 8 Slovenian and 7 Bosnian experts in top-level skiing
education. After repeated extraction of Croatian, Slovenian and Bosnain techniques of alpine
skiing, the experts, taking into account logical, methodical sequence, formed expert model of
acquiring the most important figures in elementary and advanced skiing school. For that
purpose, total frequency sum of expert choice of the most important figures has been used (O observed; E - expected), while on the other side ranking of the most important figures in
elementary and advanced skiing school has been made by natural sequence. Difference between
frequency of 4 expert choices of the most important skiing figures for category in elementary
and 4 for category in advanced skiing school as well as their mutual difference considering
nationality, have been tested by Hi-square test (χ²) and statistic meaning of differences (p).
Despite the fact that suggested model of acquiring skiing figures had different structure than
previous models, which are not scientifically based, and they encompass specific figures of
Croatian, Slovenian and Bosnian skiing schools, the difference in expert evaluation of the most
important figures in elementary and advanced skiing school considering nationality have not
been determined.
Twenty skiing experts who were part of the above mentioned sample of participants have
participated in further methodical elements, that is in forming expert model of acquiring the
most important operators for teaching the most important figures of elementary and advanced
skiing school, the most common mistakes specific for their performance and the most effec tive
exercises for eliminating these mistakes, as well as testing defferences between frequencies of
expert choice. For that purpose, total frequency sum of expert choice of the most important
operators has been used, of the most common mistakes and the most effective exercises for their
correction (O - observed; E - expected), while the difference between frequencies of expert
evaluation has been tested by non-parametric Hi-square test (χ²) and statistic meaning of
differences (p). Due to amount of work which demanded a lot of effort in precising and
choosing the most effective operators for teaching the most important figures in elementary and
advanced skiing school, the most common mistakes specific for their performance and the most
effective exercises for their correction, four experts have not completely participated in all
segments of methodical elements and their results are eliminated from data processing. The
experts have formed specific models of operators for their training, based on acquired results of
expert evaluation of individual skiing figures. For two most important figures, which had the
biggest value in elementary and advanced school category, expert model of six the most
effective operators for their training has been formed, while the expert model of five the most
effective operators has been formed for the rest of figures in elementary and advanced skiing
school. For the purpose of forming expert model of specific mistakes in performing the most
important figures in elementary and advanced skiing school, the experts have defined and then
chosen three types of the most common mistakes present in performance of the most important
skiing figures in elementary and advanced skiing school. Based on obtained results in testing
statistically significant difference between frequencies of expert evaluation of specific segments
in model of acquiring skiing skills, there has been noticed high concordance among the experts.
After forming basic elements of expert model, accepting the most important figures in
elementary and advanced skiing school, operators for their training, the most common mistakes
in their permormance and the most effective exercises for their correction, then followed
preparation of on-line questionnaire and upload to specialized serveres. All mentioned, along
with letter of intention and request for participating in research, with a link and the address
where one can connect and fill up the questionnaire have been sent to many e-mail addresses of
teachers and skiing demonstrators of different competence level in ZUTS Slovenia, HZUTS
Croatia and ATUS Bosnia and Herzegovina. Total sample of participants who have successfully
filled up on-line questionnaire was 307 skiing experts of different levels in skiing education.
After giving some basic identification information, participants ranked, according to the
significance, previously defined basis of metodical elements of acquiring the most important
figures in elementary and advanced skiing school, operators for their training, the most common
mistakes in their performance and the most effective exercises for their correction.Number of
scale degrees, which was used to rank variables , is conditioned by previously defined elements
of expert model, that is by the number of the most important figures, operators, the most
common mistakes and the most effective exercises for their correction. In relation to above
mentioned, sums of ranks (R) of the most important figures in elementary and advance skiing
schools, of the operators for their training, of the most common mistakes in their performance
and the most effective exercises for their correction have been calculated. Using non-parametric
analogue post-hoc analysis, i.e. Kruskal-Wallis test (H-test) and appropriate empiric level of
significance (p), statistic significance of sums of ranks (R) of the most important figures in
elementary and advanced skiing schools, of the operators for their training, of the most common
mistakes in their performance and the most effective exercises for their correction have been
tested. Those variables which were not different in statistically significant way according to
sums of rank were classified in one significant group, while variables which showed statistically
significant difference were classified separately. Based on obtained significant differences in
ranking importance in acquiring figures in elementary and advanced skiing school, operators for
their training, the most common mistakes in their performance and the most effective exercises
in their correction, and by the help of values of total rank sum, hierarchical clasisification among
the differences had been successfully formed.
Furthermore, total sample of skiing experts who participated in this research was divided into
three groups with the aim of investigating statistically significant difference among skiing
experts (teachers and demonstrators of skiing) in ranking the most important figures in
elementary and advance skiing schools, of the operators for their training, of the most common
mistakes in their performance and the most effective exercises for their correction.First group of
skiing experts consists of Croatian, Slovenian and Bosnian members of demo team and skiing
demonstrators and Slovenian ski teachers of the III. level, who are called top skiing
experts.Second group of skiing experts consists of Croatian ski teachers, and Slovenian and
Bosnian ski teachers of the II. level, who are called experts in advanced skiing education.Third
group of skiing experts consists of Croatian trainees ski teachers and Slovenian and Bosnian ski
teachers of the I. level, who are called experts in elementary skiing education.Considering
definied groups of skiing experts, by the help of non-parametric analogue post-hoc KruskalWallis test (H-test) and appropriate empiric level of significance (p), difference among obtained
results of arithmetic mean of rank sum (AS R) has been tested. In some segments of evaluating
expert model of acquiring skiing skills, statistically significant differneces among defined groups
of skiing experts have been found. According to that it can be concluded that real value,that is
position of defined variable in expert model need to be subject of further research.
Since there are no published scientific works which deal with similar theme, nor scientifically
based methodological elements of acquiring skiing skills, this research has a special
significance. It is seen in defining basic structures of metodical elements which ensure rich and
precise working directions to skiing experts of different competence and education. It will
greately simplify and accelarate process of teaching alpine skiers of different foreknowledge.
This research makes a good basis for future works where skiing experts throughout the world
should be engaged, and it enables additional definition and evaluation of expert modef of
acquiring specific skiing skills. |