Abstract | Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio utvrditi razlike pojedinih motoričkih sposobnosti i testova za
procjenu nogometne tehnike kod ispitanika koji su podijeljeni po kvaliteti te utjecaj relativne
dobi na frekvenciju datuma rođenja po kvartalima. Istraživanje je provedeno na nogometašima
dobi 13-15 godina podaci su prikupljeni iz klubova Splitsko-dalmatinske županije. Baterija
testova je uključivala osnovne morfološke mjere (visina i težina), testove za procjenu
brzine (sprint 5 m i 20 m), agilnosti (slalom test) i eksplozivne (skok u dalj) te test za procjenu
nogometne tehnike (slalom s loptom). Istraživanje je provedeno na 152 nogometaša pionirske
dobi (U15) iz klubova RNK Split, NK Solin i HNK Trogir. Rezultati testova skok u dalj i
indeks nogometne tehnike za kvalitetu 2 dobiveni su (192,76±17,98) (3,48±0,58) igrači grupe
kvalitete 3 (202,13±23,16), (3,44±0,81) igrači grupe kvalitete 4 (225,59±19,17), (2,34±0,96)
igrači grupe kvaliteta 5 (233,43±14,07), (1,79±0,46). Rezultati frekvencija rođenih po
kvartalima vidimo da je u postotak rođenih u prvom kvartalu 26,78 %, u drugom 19,63 %, u
trećem 30,36 %, u četvrtom 23,20 %. Možemo reći da ne postoji diskriminacija po pitanju
frekvencije rođenih po kvartalima jer rezultati pokazuju kako nema statistički značajne razlike
u frekvenciji rođenih po kvartalima. Također rezultati u motoričkim testovima grupe kvalitete
5 bolji su od nižih kvaliteta u svim promatranim varijablama te možemo zaključiti da postoji
statistički značajna razlika među ispitanicima. Veći uzorak ispitanik doprinio bi detaljnijim i
točnijim rezultatima. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this study was to determine the differences of individual motoric abilities and tests
for football technique evaluation among respondents who were divided on the quality of the
impact of relative age on the frequency of birth dates by quarters. The research was conducted
on football players who received 13-15 years, data were collected from clubs in the Split-Dalmatia County.
The battery of tests included basic morphological measures (height and
weight), tests to assess speed (sprint 5 m and 20 m), agility (slalom test) and explosive (long
jump) and a test to assess football technique (slalom with a ball). The research was conducted
on 152 football players of pioneer age (U15) from the clubs of the RNK Split, NK Solin and
HNK Trogir. The results of further jump tests and the football technique index for quality 2
were obtained (192.76 ± 17.98) (3.48 ± 0.58) players of quality group 3 (202.13 ± 23.16), (3.44 ± 0.81) players of quality group 4 (225.59 ± 19.17), (2.34 ± 0.96) players of quality group 5
(233.43 ± 14.07), (1.79 ± 0.46). The results of the frequency of births by quarters show that the
percentage of births in the first quarter is 26.78 %, in the second 19.63 %, in the third 30.36 %,
in the fourth 23.20 %. We can say that there is no discrimination in terms of the frequency of
births by quarters because the results show that there are no statistically significant differences
in the frequency of births by quarters. Also, the results in motor tests of quality group 5 are
better than lower qualities in all observed variables and we can conclude that there is a
statistically significant difference among the subjects. A larger sample of respondents
contributed detailed and accurate results. |