Title Prevencija ozljeda stopala u rukometu : završni rad
Title (english) Foot Injury Prevention in Handball : Undergraduate Thesis
Author Gabriela Gudelj
Mentor Tea Bešlija (mentor)
Committee member Tea Bešlija (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dražen Čular (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Damir Znaor (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Kinesiology Split
Defense date and country 2020-07-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Abstract Prema važećoj strukturi kineziološke znanosti, rukomet pripada skupini kompleksnih
kinezioloških aktivnosti u kojoj dominiraju cikličke i acikličke strukture kretanja. S
obzirom na to, dolazi do znatnih i kompleksnih zahtjeva rukometne igre u odnosu na
antropološka obilježja rukometaša. Posebno se to odnosi na motoričke i funkcionalne
sposobnosti i promjenjive morfološke karakteristike koje se razvijaju i održavaju
postupcima u okviru kondicijskog treninga. Bez visoke razine kondicijske
pripremljenosti, visoka rezultatska ostvarenja nisu moguća. Moderni rukomet
kakvog gledamo danas karakterizira povećani intenzitet izvedbe svih
elemenata igre u uvjetima snažnog kontakta koji se ostvaruje između igrača u svim
segmentima rukometne igre (obrana, polukontra, kontra, napad). Takvi se uvjeti
ponavljaju, kako na natjecanju, tako i u trenažnim uvjetima. Rezultat sve jačeg intenziteta
je mogućnost većeg broja ozljeda rukometaša i rukometašica. Preventivni kondicijski
trening za konačan cilj ima smanjenje broja i težine ozljeda sportaša (Keul, 1984, prema
Milanović, 1997). Pozicija sustava prevencije ozljeda u sportskoj pripremi nedovoljno
je precizirana, pa se uočava i sve više javlja potreba za ovom granom sportske pripreme.
Upravo je kondicijska priprema velikim dijelom usmjerena na prevenciju ozljeda, te se u
posljednje vrijeme kondicijski treneri stavljaju u poziciju neposrednih realizatora preventivnih
trenažnih postupaka. Rukomet trenutno pripada jednom od najpopularnijih sportova u
Europi kojim se bave muškarci, žene te djeca svih dobnih kategorija. Čak 20 milijuna
sportaša diljem svijeta igra rukomet registriranih u preko 800,000 ekipa koji su dio
Internacionalne rukometne federacije (IHF) koja trenutno broji više od 150 članova.
Rukomet je Olimpijski sport još od 1972. i u Europi jedan od najpopularnijih sportova
nakon nogometa, odbojke i košarke. Rukomet je jedan od top četiri sporta koji Rukomet
je jedan od top četiri sporta koji trpi najveći rizik od ozljede zbog duela igrača i ukupnih
ozljeda mišića. Incidencija rukometnih ozljeda doseže i do 40,7 ozljeda na 1000h utakmice
ili 3,4 ozljede na 1000h treninga. Stopalo rukometaša stoga se mora prilagoditi specifičnim
sportskim značajkama kao što je podloga na kojoj se izvodi igra.
Abstract (english) According to the current structure of kinesiological science, handball belongs to a group
of complex kinesiological activities dominated by cyclic and acyclic movement
structures. Because of that, there are considerable and complex requirements of handball
in relation to the anthropological characteristics of handball players. This is especially
true of the motor and functional abilities and the changing morphological characteristics
that are developed and maintained by the procedures of fitness training. Without a high
level of fitness, high results are not possible. Modern handball as we watch at it today
is characterized by the increased intensity of performance of all elements of the game
in terms of strong contact between players in all segments of handball
(defense, fast break, offense, quick retreat). Such conditions are repeated, both in
competition and in training conditions. The result of increasing intensity is the possibility
of more injuries to handball players. Preventive fitness training for the ultimate goal is to
reduce the number and severity of injury to athletes (Keul, 1984, according to Milanovic, 1997).
The position of the injury prevention system in sports training is not well-defined, so the need
for this branch of sports training is becoming increasingly apparent. fitness training that is largely
focused on injury prevention, and lately fitness trainers have put themselves in the position of
direct implementers of preventative training procedures. Currently, handball can be considered
as one of the most popular sports in Europe, played by men, women, and chlidren of all ages.
Worldwide, handball is played by approximately 20 milion athletes, registred in 800,000 teams
and represended by the International Handball Federation (IHF) that officially lists +150 members
federations. Team handball has been an Olympic sport since 1972, and in Europe, it is one
of the most popular team sports after football, volleyball and basketball. Handball is one
of the top four athletic sports that sufferes from the highest risk for injury due to player collisions
and the overall musculoskelrtal injuries. The incidence of handball injuries reaches up to
40.7 injuries per 1000h of match or 3.4 injuries per 1000h of practice. The handballer's
foor has therfore to adapt to the specific sport features such as the arena surface on which
is game performed.
kondicijska priprema
prevencija ozljeda
ozljede stopala
Keywords (english)
condition preparation
injury prevention
foot injuries
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:221:756557
Study programme Title: undergraduate professional study Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) kineziologije (Kondicijska priprema sportaša) (stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) kineziologije (Kondicijska priprema sportaša))
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2021-03-12 11:36:03