Abstract | Razlog nastanka skolioze još uvijek nije otkriven. Mnogi ga pripisuju sportovima u kojima dominira jedan obrazac kretanja, u većoj mjeri korištenje jedne ruke ili jedne noge, no ništa nije sa sigurnošću potvrđeno. Tretman skolioze je veoma specifičan i za svaku osobu individualan, baš zato što postoji više vrsta skolioza te što je ona trodimenzionalan poremećaj. Za svaku osobu razlikujemo različit smjer, kut zakrivljenosti te mišićni disbalans. Skoliozu je relativno lako uočiti promatrajući visinu ramena ili Lorentzov kut, a test koji se koristi za razlikovanja funkcionalne i strukturalne jest test pretklonom gdje promatramo visinu oba ramena, zakrivljenost kralješnice i mišićni disbalans, te ako se skolioza održala tijekom pretklona možemo zaključiti da se radi o strukturalnoj skoliozi. Klijent je student treće godine kineziološkog fakulteta, a tijekom života, i trenutno se bavi primarno borilačkim sportovima od čega najviše kickboxing. Prisutna je desna grudna skolioza tipa C, što mijenja obrazac kretanja te izaziva poremećaje duž cijeloga tijela. Klijent se nekada žali na bolove u donjem dijelu leđa što ne mora nužno biti direktno izazvano od skolioze ali je sigurno jedan od glavnih uzroka, također nikada nije prisustvo procesu tretmana za ispravljanje skolioze, osim nekih korektivnih vježbi koje je sam radio. U prvom djelu tretmana fokusirali smo se na učenje pravilnih početnih položaja vježbe, to jest razvijanje kinestezije tijela, te na razvitak pravilnog obrasca disanja, što je neophodno za daljnji napredak tretmana. Druga faza je djelovala na mobilizaciju kralježnice trupa i vrata, te na stabilizacijske vježbe za trup u simetričnim položajima DNS-a, dok je u trećoj fazi cilj bio djelovati na derotaciju kralješaka, stabilizaciju trupa i oblikovanje. Četvrta i završna faza je bila usmjerena na istezanje i jačanje mišića leđa kroz izometrijske vježbe. Glavni cilj je bio smanjiti kut skolioze, te zaustaviti progresiju skolioze, što je i postignuto uz ostvarivanje parcijalnih ciljeva povećanja mobilnosti grudne kralježnice, povećanja lateralne stabilizacije uz progresiju vježbi do bočnog planka, progresija obrasca disanja i progresivne vježbe. |
Abstract (english) | The cause of scoliosis has not yet been revealed. Many attribute it to sports dominated by a pattern of movement, mostly using one hand or one leg, but nothing can be certainly confirmed. The treatment of scoliosis is specific for every person individually, because there are a lot of different types of scoliosis and it is a three-dimensional disorder. For each person, we differentiate between different directions, angle of curvature, and muscular imbalance. The scoliosis is relatively easy to notice by observing the shoulder height or Lorentz angle, and the test used to distinguish functional and structural is the bend test where we observe the height of both shoulders, spine curvature and muscular imbalance, and if scoliosis is maintained during the bend, we can conclude that it is structural scoliosis. The client is a third year student of the kinesiology faculty and during his life, and is currently engaged in primary martial which most of kickboxing. Scoliosis is a right chest type C, which affects the pattern of movement and causes disorders throughout the body. Sometimes the client regrets to the pain in the lower back, which does not necessarily have to be directly caused by scoliosis but is certainly one of the main causes, he was also never present in the treatment process for correcting scoliosis, except for some corrective exercises he has worked on by himself. In the first part of the treatment, we focused on learning proper starting positions of the exercises, developing kinesthesia of the body, and developing a proper breathing pattern, which is necessary for further treatment progress. The second phase involved the mobilization of the spinal cord and the neck, and the stabilization exercises of the body in the symmetrical positions of the DNA, while in the third stage the goal was to affect on the derotating of the vertebrae, the stabilization of the body and shaping. The fourth and final phase was directed at stretching and strengthening the back muscles through isometric exercise. The main goal was to reduce the angle of scoliosis and to stop the progression of scoliosis, which was accomplished by achieving the partial goals of increasing the mobility of the chest, increasing lateral stabilization with progression of exercise to side plank, progression of breathing pattern and progressive exercise. |