Abstract | Stoj na rukama je bazični element sportske gimnastike čija kvalitetna izvedba podrazumijeva održavanje ravnog oblika tijela bez ikakvih kutova u zglobovima ramena, lakta, kuka; centar mase tijela mora biti fiksiran iznad ruku, a glava aksijalno poravnata s kralježnicom bez ikakvih razmaka između ramena i ušiju. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi da li određene varijable posture u stajanju na nogama imaju povezanost s istim varijablama posture u poziciji stajanja u stoju na rukama. Također, da li na ove položaje (stajanje na nogama i zadržavanje u stoju na rukama) utječu oslonci koje prilikom izvedbe tih elemenata koriste vježbači (stopala odnosno šake). U skladu s postavljenim ciljevima, na uzorku od ukupno 22 gimnastičarke, dobi od 11 do 13 godina, izmjereni su parametri posture u stajanju i za vrijeme zadržavanja stoja na rukama, kao i parametri stopala i šake. Primjenom kanoničke analize, utvrđene su povezanosti između ekstrahiranih faktora pojedinih skupova varijabli, ali isti nisu utvrđeni kao značajni, vjerojatno zbog male veličine uzorka (CanR=0,94, p=0,35; CanR=0,69, p=0,66, CanR=0,83, p=0,25). Zaključeno je kako vjerojatno postoji povezanost između varijabli posture u stajanju i stoju na rukama, kao i između oslonaca ovih položaja, ali da je neophodno povećati uzorak ispitanika kako bi se potvrdila navedena hipoteza. |
Abstract (english) | Handstand is a basic element of artistic gymnastics, the quality of which implies maintaining a straight body shape without any angles in the joints of the shoulders, elbows, and hips; the center of mass of the body must be fixed above the arms, and the head axially aligned with the spine without any gaps between the shoulders and ears. The aim of this research was to determine whether certain variables of posture in standing on the legs have a connection with the same variables of posture in the position of maintaining the handstand. Also, are these positions (standing on the feet and maintaining handstand) affected by the supports used by the exercisers during the performance of these skills (feet or hands). In accordance with the set goals, on a sample of 22 female gymnasts, ages 11 to 13, posture parameters were measured while standing and during maintaining the handstands, as well as foot and hand parameters. By applying canonical analysis, connections between the extracted factors of individual sets of variables were determined, but they were not determined as significant, probably due to the small sample size (CanR=0.94, p=0.35; CanR=0.69, p=0.66; CanR=0.83, p=0.25). It was concluded that there is probably a connection between posture variables while standing on the feet and maintaining the handstand, as well as between the supports of these positions and skills, but that it is necessary to increase the sample of respondents in order to confirm the stated hypothesis. |