Abstract | Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike u antropometrijskom i motoričkom statusu nogometaša pionira različite kvalitete, odnosno nogometaša kategorije U12 i U13. Ispitanici su elitni nogometaši HNK Hajduka iz Splita koji su prema mišljenjima trenera bili selektirani u dvije grupe. Prva grupa se odnosila na kvalitetnije igrače (Kvaliteta 1) dok se druga grupa odnosila na one manje kvalitetnije igrače (Kvaliteta 2). Uzorak ispitanika uključivao je 38 ispitanika U12 i U13 kategorije. Uzorak ispitanika ekipe U12 uključivao je 18 nogometaša dok je uzorak ispitanika ekipe U13 uključivao 20 nogometaša. Ekipa U12 je prosječno bila visoka 152,17 te su u prosjeku imali 38,57 kg tjelesne mase. Najbolji rezultat u skoku u dalj je iznosio 203,00 cm, a onaj najslabiji 160,00 cm. 745,00 cm je bio najbolji rezultat u bacanju medicinke u dalj, a 417,00 cm najslabiji rezultat. Najbolji rezultati na 5 m, 10 m i 20 m su bili 1,05 sek, 1,82 sek i 3,23 sek, dok su najsporiji rezultati bili 1,24 sek, 2,03 sek te 3,65 sek. Igrači Kvalitete 1 ekipe U12 su ostvarili bolje rezultate u svim varijablama u odnosu na igrače Kvalitete 2. Igrači Kvalitete 2 su u prosjeku imali minimalno veću tjelesnu masu u odnosu na igrače Kvalitete 1. Što se tiče ekipe U13, prosječna tjelesna visina je bila 157,00 cm dok je prosječna tjelesna masa iznosila 43,45 kg. Najbolji rezultat u skoku u dalj je iznosio 223,00 cm, a onaj najslabiji 168,00 cm. 795,00 cm je bio najbolji rezultat u bacanju medicinke u dalj, a 425,00 cm najslabiji rezultat. Najbolji rezultati na 5 m, 10 m i 20 m su bili 1,08 sek, 1,88 sek i 3,26 sek, dok su najsporiji rezultati bili 1,20 sek, 2,15 sek te 3,65 sek. Igrači Kvalitete 1 u prosjeku su bili niži te manje tjelesne mase u odnosu na igrače Kvalitete 2. Također, igrači Kvalitete 2 ostvarili su u prosjeku bolje rezultate u bacanju medicinke u dalj s mjesta te u skoku u dalj s mjesta. Igrači Kvalitete 1 bili su uspješniji na testovima brzine gdje su postigli u prosjeku bolje rezultate u odnosu na igrače Kvalitete 2. |
Abstract (english) | The goal of the research was to determine the differences in the anthropometric and motor status of pioneer soccer players of different quality, that is, U12 and U13 category soccer players. The interviewees are elite football players of HNK Hajduk from Split who, according to the coach's opinion, were selected into two groups. The first group referred to higher quality players (Quality 1), while the second group referred to those less high quality players (Quality 2). The sample of respondents included 38 respondents of the U12 and U13 categories. The U12 team's sample of respondents included 18 soccer players, while the U13 team's sample of respondents included 20 soccer players. The average height of the U12 team was 152.17 and they had an average body mass of 38.57 kg. The best result in the long jump was 203.00 cm and the weakest was 160.00 cm. 745.00 cm was the best result in the long shot and 417.00 cm was the weakest result. The best results at 5 m, 10 m and 20 m were 1.05 sec, 1.82 sec and 3.23 sec, while the slowest results were 1.24 sec, 2.03 sec and 3.65 sec. The Quality 1 players of the U12 team achieved better results in all variables compared to the Quality 2 players. The Quality 2 players had on average a minimally higher body mass compared to the Quality 1 players. As for the U13 team, the average body height was 157.00 cm while the average body weight was 43.45 kg. The best result in the long jump was 223.00 cm and the weakest was 168.00 cm. 795.00 cm was the best result in the long shot and 425.00 cm was the weakest result. The best results at 5 m, 10 m and 20 m were 1.08 sec, 1.88 sec and 3.26 sec, while the slowest results were 1.20 sec, 2.15 sec and 3.65 sec. Players of Quality 1 were on average shorter and had less body mass compared to players of Quality 2. Also, players of Quality 2 achieved better results on average in throwing the medicine ball from a place and in the long jump from a place. Quality 1 players were more successful on speed tests where they scored better on average than Quality 2 players. |