Abstract | Zanimanje kineziterapeut nije prepoznato u Hrvatskoj. Poslovne prilike za
kineziterapeuta su dosta ograničene, odnosno uglavnom su vezane za sport. Poslovi iz
područja rehabilitacije u javnim ustanovama kao što su bolnice, kineziterapeutu nisu
dopušteni. Privatni sektor za poslove u rehabilitaciji, vrlo često, zbog veće
prepoznatljivosti zapošljava fizioterapeute. Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati
informiranost i uvidjeti znanja populacije od 18 do 65 godina u gradu Zagrebu o
zanimanju kineziterapeut. U istraživanju provedenom u veljači 2022. godine putem
online anketnog upitnika sudjelovalo je 189 ispitanika. Zbog kriterija isključenja
testiranje hipoteza provedeno je na 162 ispitanika. Prva hipoteza koja glasi: „Osobe s
višom ili visokom stručnom spremom upućenije su u struku i rad kineziterapeuta od
osoba sa srednjom ili nižom stručnom spremom.“ - odbačena je kao neistinita. Na skali
od 0 do 100 bodova srednja razina upućenosti u struku i rad kineziterapeuta veća je za
2,03 boda kod osoba sa završenom višom ili visokom stručnom spremom, međutim
testiranjem nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika. Druga hipoteza koja glasi: „Osobe
koje su tijekom života doživjele ozljede lokomotornog sustava upućenije su u struku i
rad kineziterapeuta od osoba koje nisu doživjele takvu ozljedu.“ - odbačena je kao
neistinita. U ovome slučaju srednja razina upućenosti u struku i rad kineziterapeuta veća
je za 0,80 bodova kod osoba koje su tijekom života doživjele ozljedu lokomotornog
sustava, međutim testiranjem nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika. |
Abstract (english) | The profession of kinesiotherapist is not well understood in Croatia. Career
opportunities for kinesiotherapists are quite limited, and are mostly tied to the field of
sports. In public institutions, such as hospitals, the employment of a kinesiotherapist in
injury rehabilitation is not yet possible, while in private institutions, physiotherapists are
mostly employed in rehabilitation, and the profession itself tends to be more recognized
for its expertise there. The main objective of this research was to explore how aware and
how knowledgeable of kinesiotherapy as a profession is the general population, aged 18-65,
in the city of Zagreb. 189 respondents participated in the survey conducted in February 2022, via an
online questionnaire. Hypothesis testing was conducted on 162 respondents, based on
the exclusion criteria. The first hypothesis, which states: „Individuals with an associate
or university degree have a greater awareness of the kinesiotherapy profession and field
of work than individuals who have a high- or elementary school degree.“ – was rejected
as untrue. On a scale of 0 to 100 points, the average level of understanding of the
profession and field of work of a kinesiotherapist is 2,03 points higher in individuals
with an associate or university degree, however, the test did not reveal a statistically
significant difference. The second hypothesis, which states: „Individuals who have
experienced a musculoskeletal injury during their lifetime will have a greater awareness
of the kinesiotherapy profession and field of work, compared to individuals who have
not experienced such an injury.“ – was also rejected as untrue. In this case, the average
level of understanding of the profession and field of work of a kinesiotherapist is 0,80
points higher in individuals who have experienced a musculoskeletal injury during their
lifetime. Again, the test revealed no statistically significant difference. |