Title Kineziterapija djece sa SMA-tip 1 : završni rad
Title (english) Kinesitherapy for Children with SMA Type 1 : Undergraduate Thesis
Author Sara Renić
Mentor Renata Pavić (mentor)
Committee member Renata Pavić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Paušić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Čavala (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Kinesiology Split
Defense date and country 2024-10-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Abstract Kineziterapija predstavlja ključni dio rehabilitacijskog procesa za djecu sa SMA tip1, koja uzrokuje gubitak motornih neurona i posljedičnu slabost mišića. U liječenju SMA, kineziterapija ima ulogu u očuvanju funkcionalne mobilnosti, prevenciji komplikacija poput kontraktura i deformacija te unapređenju kvalitete života. Unatoč tome, izazovi u primjeni terapije su značajni. S obzirom na progresivnu prirodu bolesti, mogućnost poboljšanja je ograničena, pa je cilj terapije uglavnom održavanje trenutnog stanja i smanjenje negativnih posljedica. Također, s obzirom na ozbiljnost oštećenja mišića, vježbe moraju biti pažljivo prilagođene individualnim potrebama svakog djeteta, kako bi se spriječilo pretjerano zamaranje i daljnje oštećenje. Kineziterapijski tretmani uključuju pasivne pokrete koji služe za očuvanje pokretljivosti zglobova i održavanje tonusa mišića. Ove vježbe mogu poboljšati cirkulaciju, smanjiti rizik od razvoja skolioze te pomoći u prevenciji kontraktura koje mogu nastati zbog neaktivnosti ili nepravilnog položaja. Pasivne vježbe osobito su važne za djecu koja nisu u mogućnosti samostalno izvoditi pokrete. Uloga roditelja u provođenju kineziterapije je od presudne važnosti, jer oni najčešće surađuju sa terapeutima u svakodnevnom provođenju vježbi kod kuće. Redovita komunikacija između roditelja i stručnjaka osigurava prilagodbu terapije u skladu s napretkom ili promjenama u stanju djeteta. Kineziterapija također ima važan učinak na emocionalni i psihološko stanje djece, jer omogućava održavanje barem minimalne razine mobilnosti, što pozitivno utječe na samopouzdanje i socijalnu interakciju. Iako SMA ostaje progresivna bolest, ovi terapijski pristupi pomažu usporiti pogoršanje stanja i poboljšati kvalitetu života, smanjujući bol i nelagodu. Individualizirani pristup i multidisciplinarna suradnja između terapeuta, liječnika i obitelji ključni su za postizanje optimalnih rezultata.
Abstract (english) Kinesiotherapy is a vital part of the rehabilitation process for children with spinal muscular atrophy SMA type 1, a disease that leads to the loss of motor neurons and subsequent muscle weakness. In the treatment of SMA, kinesiotherapy plays a critical role in preserving functional mobility, preventing complications such as contractures and deformities, and improving the overall quality of life. Despite its benefits, there are significant challenges in applying this therapy. Given the progressive nature of the disease, the potential for improvement is limited, with the main goal of therapy being the maintenance of the current condition and the mitigation of negative outcomes. Additionally, due to severe muscle impairment, exercises must be carefully tailored to each child´s individual needs to avoid overexertion and further damage. Kinesiotherapy treatments often involve passive movements designed to preserve joint mobility and maintain muscle tone. These exercises can improve circulation, reduce the risk of developing scoliosis, and help prevent contractures that may result from inactivity or improper positioning. Passive exercises are especially crucial for children unable to perform movements independently, while actively assisted movements stimulate any remaining muscle function. The role of parents in the application of kinesiotherapy is of paramount importance, as they frequently collaborate with therapists to ensure daily exercises are conducted at home. Regular communication between parents and professionals allows for the adjustment of therapy according to the child´s progress or changes in their condition. Kinesiotherapy also positively impacts the emotional and psychological well-being of children, as it helps maintain at least a minimal level of mobility, boosting self-confidence and facilitating social interaction. Although SMA remains a progressive disease, these therapeutic approaches help slow the decline and improve quality of life, reducing pain and discomfort. An individualized approach and multidisciplinary collaboration between therapists, doctors and families are key to achieve the best possible outcomes.
spinalna mišićna atrofija
pasivne vježbe
Keywords (english)
spinal muscular atrophy
passive exercises
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:221:737906
Study programme Title: Stručni prijediplomski studij kineziologije; specializations in: Kineziterapija Course: Kineziterapija Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) kineziologije (Kineziterapija) (prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) kineziologije (Kineziterapija))
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2024-11-27 13:56:03